Heinrichsgasse 4/8 A 1010 Vienna AUSTRIA

0049 163 2016317


DS Drustvo Za Supervizijo




Slovenian association for supervision
Office: Kardeljeva ploščad 16, 1000 Ljubljana
Phone: +386 31 55 66 49 (Brigita Rupar, president)
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.drustvozasupervizijo.si



Foundation 1998

Number of members 39

Structure of the association

  • A board of five members
  • Various task groups organised for temporary or long term activities

Concept of supervision

Supervision is a form of professional counselling which, by means of learning self-reflection on the own professional task realisation, ensures higher quality of professional work and stimulates professional and personal development of professionals in different working settings where close contact with people is an important characteristic of the work.
It is a specific supportive method of learning which represents a starting point for professional self-reflection as a professional.
As a profession supervision crosses boundaries of specific professional fields and schools.

Target groups of supervision

Mainly professionals working in the field of social pedagogy, clinical work, social work and education.

Training of supervisors

Two kind of training courses are offered nowadays:

  • A 2 year postgraduate study of supervision (specialisation);
  • A 1 year training course for supervisors who practice supervision already for some time.

Activities of the association

At the moment the following main activities are carried out by four working groups, dealing with:

  • networking
  • standards of supervision
  • continuing training of supervisors
  • promotion of supervision.