Heinrichsgasse 4/8 A 1010 Vienna AUSTRIA

0049 163 2016317

How to become a member of ANSE

Full membership 

Full membership can be granted to national organisations for supervision, which in their country satisfy the following conditions combined:

  1. They exist as a legal entity in their own country.
  2. They represent graduates of at least two different educational programs for supervision/coaching. If this condition cannot be met, the national organization is granted the period of five years to fulfill the requirements with the professional activities, guided by the ANSE executive board.
  3. They try to create a network of supervisors/coaches in their country offering them organisational structures.
  4. They understand the concept of supervision as described in ECVision page 52 and further.
  5. They represent a meeting-point for supervision and coaching, spanning various professional fields and methodological schools.
  6. Supervisors and coaches must have completed a educational program, according to the ANSE standards.
  7. The educational programs for supervisors and coaches are open for students descending from different professions.

Associate membership

Associate membership can be granted to national organisations for supervision, which have a position as a legal entity in their own country and are striving for co-operation on a European level, although they have not yet reached the standards mentioned in paragraph 5. 1. 1. in the statutes in full sense.

More info: [email protected]