Taking part in an ANSE International Intervision Group (IIG)
ANSE offers a platform to establish IIG’s and supports these as much as possible.
IIG’s are an important part of the activities of ANSE and the ANSE community. Supervisors from different European countries work together in the IIGs. In this way, they enable professional and collegial exchange across national borders and promote a European understanding of supervision and coaching in Europe, contributing significantly to the professional identity of supervisors in Europe.
Working in an IIG offers:
- collegial exchange across national borders
- professional discourses on topics of supervision and coaching
- learning from the expertise and supervisory competence of European colleagues
- possibility of networking on the European level
- living diversity and finding new friends
- getting to know Europe in a personal way
- to get to know yourself in a new way
Frequently asked questions and information about IIG’s:
Who can join an ANSE IIG?
- all members of the ANSE national member associations can join an ANSE IIG
- any IIG which meets up to the basic criteria set by ANSE for IIG’s is allowed to invite further persons to participate. For example, some IIGs invite ‘outside’ colleagues as input providers to single meetings or discussions. These persons cannot receive a certificate from ANSE (see below)
How is an IIG composed?
- usually an IIG has 6-8 members
- the members of an IIG have to come from at least three different European countries/member associations of ANSE
Which content is processed in the IIG?
- the IIG itself decides on its thematic orientation
- however, the thematic orientation of an IIG should always be related to supervision and coaching
- For example: former IIGs show a wide variety and orientation. e.g.:
- case discussions in the sense of a classical intervision group / Balint group /case supervision group
- exchange/testingofsupervisionmethods
- specific issues, such as aggression and shame, intergenerativity, leadership
- regional issues: some IIGs have been founded on the basis of regional proximity (e.g. the Baltic region)
- it is also possible to establish an IIG on the basis of specific roles in the supervision field, such as:
- one’sactivityasteachingsupervisor
- being members of the boards of ANSE national associations
How does an IIG work?
- the working method is discussed and agreed upon by the IIG itself. (mostly during the 1st meeting of the IIG)
- in principle, the basics of supervisory work apply: trust, discretion, respect, commitment (see also ANSE Code of Ethics)
- members of an IIG commit themselves to cooperation for 3 years and regular participation in the meetings
- an early exit from an IIG must be communicated to the group and the opportunity for final reflection and farewell has to be offered to the group
What is the time structure of the IIGs?
The IIG organizes itself. As a support, the following guidelines are recommended by ANSE:
- as a rule, IIG’s meet over a period of three years
- there are two meetings each year, mostly during a long weekend (3-4 days)
- meetings take place in the respective countries of the IIG members
How can I join an IIG?
There are different ways to do this.
- Interested supervisors who are members of an ANSE national association can fill out the form for individual registration and email it to Piret Bristol, [email protected]. The data will be added to the list of interested persons.
- You can join the affinity Facebookgroup There you can ask if somebody is interested to form or join an IIG. You are now free to contact other interested people.
- Participation in an ANSE Summer University has proved to be a better option. ANSE SU’s take place every two years and are organised by an ANSE national member association in cooperation with ANSE.
During the SU there is usually a short introduction to practice and principles of the ANSE IIG-program, and a meeting point where interested persons may meet and establish a new IIG.
- a group of supervisors from other contexts which fulfill the ANSE criteria for IIG’s could also be registered as an ANSE IIG.
Every newly founded IIG completes the Registration Form (IIG Group) .
How is the work in an IIG certified?
- after completion of the work of an IIG, each member of the IIG may receive a certificate of participation from the ANSE if the following criteria are met:
- all meetings are documented (participants, location/country, hours, topic)
- and the results of the work are presented in one of the following ways:
- a final report to be prepared by the group (the IIG itself decides on the form) or
- the results of the work in the IIG is presented in a workshop at the next ANSE SU or
- the results of the work in the IIG are summarized and presented in form of an article for the ANSE Journal
- the certificates of participation are accepted by many ANSE national member associations within the framework of their internal quality system (please check with your own supervision association what is possible)
The membership and work in an ANSE IIG is wonderful and fruitful!
Any more questions? Please send an email to:
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]
Here are the most important forms:
Registration form (individual)
Link to Affinity Facebookgroup