European Day of Supervision: An exceptional meeting in Brussels – By Franck Joseph-Maurin

At the South Tyrol Regional Representation, on November 21, 2024. The annual meeting of professional supervision.
Thursday 21 November marked the celebration of European Supervision Day, an initiative launched in 2022 by our Austrian sister association ÖVS. Every year, this event brings together organisations of professional supervisors from across the continent to promote our profession beyond specialist circles.
This year, ANSE organised an afternoon of meetings and debate in Brussels, at the heart of the European institutions. Hosted by the South Tyrol Regional Representation, a stone’s throw from the European Economic and Social Council, participants included members of the European Parliament and representatives of ANSE’s member federations. ANSE President Miriam Ullrich and Cornelia Kohlross, the event’s organiser and the association’s treasurer, led this landmark meeting.
At the heart of the debates: reflective practice as a tool for uniting in a fragmented world
The central theme of the event was how reflective practice, as implemented professionally and ethically in our practices and with our clients, can help to build bridges in an increasingly complex and fragmented world.
In her opening speech, Miriam Ullrich stressed the urgency of integrating reflective practice at all levels of decision-making, from the personal to the political. In her view, supervision, as a privileged space for reflective practice, makes it possible to welcome and work at the heart of differences, to shed light on blind spots and to bridge gaps without ignoring them.
She concluded by asserting that supervision, guided by competent professionals, represents an essential break and tool for navigating complexity and accompanying those who are making crucial decisions for our collective future.
An inspiring lecture and constructive discussions
The highlight of the afternoon was a talk by Ruth Gschleier, founder of the Vival Institute in Italy, on the theme of ‘Building bridges in a fragmented world’. She reminded us how essential reflective practice is for building resilience, mutual understanding and collaboration, and creating connections – to ourselves, within teams, across organisations and even at the level of society as a whole.

Participants then continued their reflections in round table discussions, exploring the contribution of reflective practice to promoting democratic values and building social cohesion.
Active French representation
PSF was represented by Franck Joseph-Maurin, a member of its Board. Proud to represent the voice and values of our association at this event, Franck also played his part in moderating the afternoon’s round tables on the theme ‘Enlightening and reflecting our differences to bring us closer together’.
A day rich in prospects for the future of supervision
Gathered in Brussels, supervisors and decision-makers from all over Europe embodied the spirit of cooperation and openness advocated by ANSE. The event ended on a note of enthusiasm and ambition, with a shared determination to advance the recognition of reflective practices and supervision within the European institutions.