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Eesti Supervisiooni ja Coachingu Ühing (ESCY)
Estonian Supervision and Coaching Association

Address: Veerenni 34, 10135 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +3725024163
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.supervisioon.ee
Foundation 2.05.1997
Number of members 76

Structure of the association

Board (3-5)
Membership – associated member, full member, honour member

Concept of supervision

Supervision is a systemic counselling process, which is foremost necessary for the people working with professionals and for their work. Supervision may be executed according to the needs of the client in different forms and with various tools. Supervision contains elements of reflecting, providing knowledge, monitoring, supporting, etc in relation to the goal.

The result of targeted and systemic supervision is:

  • recovery of professional resources,
  • general professional development, including the necessary skills and competencies

Target groups of supervision

ESCY target groups are professionals working with individuals, groups, organizations in different fields:

  • Social welfare
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Customer service, politics, science
  • Prisons
  • NGOs
  • Business organizations

Training of supervisors

Supervision and coaching

  1. 1International Supervision and Coaching Institute – 2,5 years 650 academic hrs (412 contact teaching hours+practice+teaching supervision) training programme for supervisors and coaches, registered by ESCY
  2. Supervision and Coaching Training Centre – Supervisor and Coach Training Program- 2+1 years, registered by ESCY


  1. Tallinn University: Creative Therapy Supervision – Supervisor/coach training program 330 contact hours, including practice, registered by ESCY

Targets of the association

  • To promote supervision and coaching in the society
  • To bring together and connect supervisors and coaches in Estonia
  • To provide regular in-service training and co-vision for supervisors and coaches
  • To encourage ESCY members to international cooperation with European colleagues.

Activities of the association

  1. Members of ESCY participate in local ESTVISION groups and international Balt-vision and Inter-vision groups
  2. Quality Management System for Supervisors have been developed – piloting period, further development in progress
  3. Growth of Membership from 40 (2011) to 76 (2016)
  4. 3 supervision training programs accepted by ESCY in 2015
  5. Active participation in ANSE Summer Universities
  6. Integration and clearer defining of Supervision and Coaching:
    • Training programs connecting both supervision and coaching
    • Membership criterias are developed further, creating an option for the coaches to become full members
    • Coaching work-group started in 2015
  7. Cooperation with Ministry of Education and Tallinn Pedagogical University, ESCY initiated and carried out 2 big conferences in 2014 and 2015 “Role of Supervision” and “Coaching in Developing New Education Strategy”
  8. ESCY has participated actively in Mental Health Fair and Tallinn Entrepreneur Days, having information desks and giving workshops
  9. ESCY started to develop our “Member appreciation system”
  10. New webpage was developed in 2014, main information in English was provided
  11. ESCY joined Mental Health Coalition in 2014
  12. Traditional annual summer and winter seminars for the members of ESCY
  13. ESCY members have formed 8 different thematic work-groups (quality standard, accreditation of training programs, media & marketing, education, coaching, appreciation, EST-Vision, summer & winter seminars, etc.)
  14. In 2016 ESCY started preparing the 20th birthday celebration which main focus will be in May/June 2017