Heinrichsgasse 4/8 A 1010 Vienna AUSTRIA

0049 163 2016317

BSC Berufsverband für Supervision, Coaching & Organisationsentwicklung

ASC Associazione Professionale Supervisione, Coaching & Sviluppo Organizzativo




Italian Association for Supervision & Coaching
Office: Ilse  Egger, Fermo posta – Piazza Parrocchia 13, 39100 Bolzano
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.supervision-coaching.it



Foundation 1996

Number of members 29 active

Structure of the association

The BSC is founded as non-profit association and consists of the following bodies:

  • General assembly
  • Presidium
    • Ilse Egger – Spokeswoman
    • Micki Gruber
  • Auditors
  • ANSE Delegate
  • Ombuds Office

BSC/ASC is the professional association for supervision, coaching and organizational development

The working world is subject to profound changes. Companies and organizations are facing new and major challenges. Managers and employees are increasingly faced with an intensified and complex field of tension between personal, inner convictions and external professional demands.
Supervision, coaching and organizational development make different aspects of this complexity visible. Specific working techniques make it possible to clarify personal points of view, promote the individual and organizational learning culture, manage conflict situations in companies and organizations and prevent burnout. This creates the prerequisites for setting a new course and is the basis for job satisfaction and sustainable quality assurance.
Supervision, Coaching and Organizational Development processes take place in public or private work spaces, in group practices, etc., under the direction of specifically trained public employees or freelancers. They may comprise a few meetings or extend over longer periods of time. Depending on the need for intervention, regular work meetings (weekly, fortnightly, monthly) or, in crisis situations, even short-term appointments are scheduled.

Purpose of the Association

Our purpose consists in unify and represent the interests of persons, who are trained and active as supervisors and/or coaches as well as in the promotion of Supervision, Coaching and Organizational Development in our country.
With our quality system, which periodically requires proof of training and activity, our association guarantees the high quality standard of our members’ services.

Concept of Supervision

„THE VIEW FROM “OUTSIDE“ – review, change, improve professional actions“

The goal of supervision is to enable individuals, teams and groups to analyze existing problems at the workplace and to turn them into factually constructive and personally satisfying actions. Supervision strengthens the professionalism of those involved and contributes significantly to human resources development.

Supervision is an instrument that helps to make professional actions goal-oriented, efficient and successful.

Concept of Coaching

„DISCOVER PERSONAL STRENGTHS AND USE THEM EFFECTIVELY – with coaching to sustainable solutions“
Coaching is an interactive and person-centered support process that can include both professional and private content. The focus is on the client’s professional role and related concerns.
Coaching supports people with leadership and management responsibilities to develop new strategies and skills to fulfill the assigned tasks and to master the upcoming challenges. As an efficient instrument of personnel development, it serves to discover the human strengths and professional potential of individuals as well as teams, to bring them to fruition and to integrate them productively and sustainably into the developmental steps of organizations and companies.