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ECVision. Supervision and Coaching in Europe: Concepts and Competences

This Manual provides an overview of the ECVision philosophy and the ECVision achievements, three scientific articles, a historical overview and the three main product of ECVision:

  • the Glossary
  • the Competence Framework
  • the ECVET-ECTS Reference Table

Download : “ECVision. Supervision and Coaching in Europe: Concepts and Competences”

ECVision. Supervision und Coaching in Europa. Konzepte und Kompetenzen

Dieses Handbuch fasst die drei grundlegenden Produkte von ECVision, das Glossar, das Kompetenzprofil sowie die ECVET-ECTS Referenztabelle zusammen. Wissenschaftliche Artikel runden das Handbuch ab.

Download: here

The ECVision Glossary of Supervision and Coaching in Europe

The Glossary provides transparent descriptions of core qualities, types and settings, methods, outcomes, and stakeholders in the field of counseling.

Download: here

The ECVision Competence Framework of Supervision and Coaching

The ECVision Competence Framework of Supervision and Coaching

Annex: The ECVision Competence Matrix of Supervision and Coaching

Validating Competences. The ECVision Reference Table ECTS-ECVET

The ECVision Reference Table ECTS-ECVET. A Model for Accreditation and Validation of Learning Outcomes in Education and Training of Supervision & Coaching in Europe

Download: here

VET curricula for supervision & coaching of the consortium members TOPS, Univ. of Gothenburg, Univ. of Zagreb and ASYS (Partner of VHS GmbH)

Using the Competence Framework in our curricula, but embracing diversity by respecting the different ways of integrating it, was one of our core values in doing that.

“Coaching” & “Supervision”

provided by TOPS München-Berlin e.V , accredited by DGSv (German Association for Supervision). Download here CoachingDownload here Supervision

“Systemische Supervision & Coaching”

provided by ASYS Wien (Association for Systemic Social Work, Counseling and Supervision), accredited by ÖVS (Austrian Organisation for Supervision). Download here

“Postgraduate Specialist University Study Program in Supervision in Psychosocial Work”

provided by University of Zagreb, accredited in ECTS by University of Zagreb. Download here

“Supervision in Psychosocial Work“

provided by University of Gothenburg, accredited in ECTS by University of Gothenburg. Download here

Das ECVision Glossar für Supervision und Coaching in Europa

Das ECVision Glossar für Supervision und Coaching in Europa

Das ECVision Kompetenzprofil für Supervision und Coaching

Das ECVision Kompetenzprofil für Supervision und Coaching

Anhang: Die ECVision Kompetenzmatrix für Supervision und Coaching

ECVision. Europski pojmovnik supervizije i stručnog vođenja

ECVision. Europski pojmovnik supervizije i stručnog vođenja

ECVision. Europski kompetencijski okvir u području supervizije i coachinga

ECVision. Europski kompetencijski okvir u području supervizije i coachinga

ECVision Een Europese begrippenlijst voor Supervisie en Coaching

ECVision Een Europese begrippenlijst voor Supervisie en Coaching

ECVision – Competentieraamwerk


ECVision.En europeisk ordlista för handledning och coachning

ECVision. En europeisk ordlista för handledning och coachning.

ECVision. En europeisk referensram för kompetenser inom handledning och coachning

ECVision. En europeisk referensram för kompetenser inom handledning och coachning

ECVision. A szupervízió és coaching európai fogalomtára

ECVision. A szupervízió és coaching európai fogalomtára

ECVision. A szupervízió és a coaching európai kompetenciaprofilja

ECVision. A szupervízió és a coaching európai kompetenciaprofilja

ECVision. Evropski pojmovnik supervizije in koučinga

ECVision. Evropski pojmovnik supervizije in koučinga

Legal Framework

Legal Framework of Supervision & Coaching in Europe

An Overview of Legal Regulations in 22 European Countries

Download here

Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen & Reglementierung von Supervision & Coaching in Europa

Download hier


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