The Supervisors’ network Nosco is co-organisor of a European conference in Oslo, Norway June 21 – 22, 2019. See enclosed program. The conference “Body, Ecology and Integration – new perspectives…
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The Supervisors’ network Nosco is co-organisor of a European conference in Oslo, Norway June 21 – 22, 2019. See enclosed program. The conference “Body, Ecology and Integration – new perspectives…
The definitive program Summer University 2019 Bolzano is online. From now on it is possible to find information about the fees, locations, accommodation, keynotes and workshops. The organising committee has…
The next ANSE-journal #3 will be published before summer holidays and the issue will be “Education of supervision and coaching” If you have an article on this issue, or are…
This year’s ANSE Summer University will be organized in cooperation with the BSC (Association for Supervision, Coaching and Organizational Development, Italy) and the Association of National Organization for Supervision in…
Feel welcome to read the ANSE Newsletter #2, with news about Summer University 2019 in Bolzano Italy, The Teaching Conference 2018 in Frankfurt, ANSE Journal, General Assembly 2018 and Presidents’…