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Extended period of time to send in workshop proposals for Summer University ’25

Extended period of time to send in workshop proposals for Summer University ’25

The organizing committee of the Summer University in Munich has decided to extend the period of time for sending in workshop proposals to December 31, 2024.

We cordially invite you to submit proposals for workshops. Workshops will take place on all five days of the Summer University. The working language is English.
Please base your suggestions for topics on the basic focus of this Summer University.
A jury will decide which workshops will be included in the program. The following criteria apply to this decision:
• Thematic fit
• Quality of the concept submitted, in particular with regard to the opportunity to participate (participation, interactivity)
• Diversity of the speakers
• Diversity of methods
• Diversity of the thematic focus

Proposals for workshops can be submitted until December 31, 2024
TO: [email protected]

Workshop leaders are exempt from the registration fee for the Summer University!

More info: https://www.ansesu25.de

As for the benefit for ANSE community, we would very much like to ask workshop leaders to publish an article, or summary about the workshop in ANSE Journal 9-2, deadline September 30, 2025. It is not compulsory, but much encouraged.